Dental Emergency Instructions

From Our Patients

I’m truly impressed! This was my second visit for a dental cleaning, and just like the first time, the staff was incredibly friendly and welcoming from the moment I walked in until I left. However, they exceeded my expectations when I returned with my kids. The work culture here is remarkable—highly professional and filled with experts who genuinely care about their patients.

I’ve been to many dental clinics, but this is the first one that provided such a thorough explanation regarding my concerns. The hygienist even gave me a helpful tip on flossing and brushing, considering my small mouth, to ensure I can clean the back of my teeth properly. Not only am I completely satisfied, but for the first time in a long while, I actually enjoyed a dental visit -Jo Bo

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Even if you keep up with your oral hygiene and visit Comfort Dental Excellence at least twice a year for your routine checkups, accidents can happen. Knowing what to do in an emergency can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Because of this, Drs. Calder, Durr and, Short are happy to give tips for common dental emergencies. With any dental emergency, it is imperative that you visit our dentists as soon as possible.

Bit Tongue or Lip
In the case of a bit tongue or lip, gently clean the area with water. Then apply pressure to the bleeding site with moistened gauze or a tea bag for 15 to 20 minutes. To control any swelling and pain, hold a cold compress to the area for 5 to 10 minutes. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, come to our office right away or go to the emergency room. Continue to use pressure on the bleeding site until you can be treated.

If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth out with warm water and use dental floss to remove any food that is caught between your teeth. Use a cold compress to control any swelling. Do not put aspirin or other painkillers against the gums, as this may burn the gum tissue.

Chipped or Broken Tooth
If you chip, crack, or break a tooth, save any pieces. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Rinse the tooth pieces as well. Apply a piece of gauze to the area for 10 minutes to stop any bleeding. If there is any swelling, apply a cold compress to control it and to relieve pain.

Knocked-Out Tooth
If a tooth is knocked out, hold it by the crown and rinse off the tooth if it is dirty. Do not scrub it or remove any attached tissues. Put the tooth back into the socket if possible. Do not force the tooth. If it will not reinsert, put it in a small container of milk to keep it moist. You can also place the tooth in between your cheek and gums or use a tooth preservation product. Come to our office right away, as knocked-out teeth have the highest chances of being saved if they are returned to their socket by the dentist within one hour.

For more information about what to do in a dental emergency in Spring, Texas, and to schedule your next appointment, contact our office today.