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Adults Can Still Achieve Their Dream Smile With Orthodontic Treatment
Do you wish you underwent orthodontic treatment as a teen so you had the perfect smile now? If so, it’s not too late for you! Adults can benefit from orthodontic […]
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Sadly, wisdom teeth have caused pain for lots of our patients. Do you have wisdom teeth or third molars? Have you noted any pain in your mouth where a third […]
Maintaining Dentures
We won’t lie: dentures can take a lot of effort. However, the benefits really are worth it. Here are some tips on treating dentures. Once you’ve received dentures, you’ll be […]
A Dental Cap Might Be Needed to Treat a Large Cavity on One of Your Child’s Teeth
Children are biologically hard-wired to seek out calories from sweet foods and beverages. This evolutionary adaptation was once essential for a child’s survival as they learned what prehistoric foods we’re […]
Making Broken Smiles Shine Again
If your smile is broken, have no fear. There is no smile so broken that modern dentistry cannot make it shine once more – whether that means restoring your natural […]
The Benefits of Chewing Gum
Have you ever heard that chewing gum can help your or your child’s smile? This is true in certain cases. But what determines whether gum is helpful or detrimental to […]