Do You Have Braces? If So, Here Are the Foods to Avoid

If you are currently straightening your teeth with braces, good for you! Once you’re done with your treatment, you will finally have the straight, beautiful smile you have always wanted. However, that will only be the case if you take good care of your teeth and gums by keeping up on oral hygiene, attending your… Read more »

All About Avoiding Dental Emergencies While You’re on the Road

Dental emergencies are inconvenient, overwhelming, and even scary, especially when you’re on the road. However, there are things you can do to avoid dental emergencies, and our team is happy to tell you all about them! You can do the following things for the best oral health possible while you travel: -Avoid major dental treatment:… Read more »

Let’s Trade Braces

“You need braces” is a sentence that no one likes to hear. On average, wearing braces is a one- to four-year commitment, requiring several trips to the orthodontist, wire tightening and food restrictions. At , however, we specialize in innovative orthodontic treatment. Depending on your dental needs, we offer Fastbraces® or Invisalign®. Fastbraces®: While traditional… Read more »

The Best Ways to Take Care of Your Retainer

Now that you’ve finished aligning your smile with orthodontic treatment, it’s time to start wearing your retainer! Retainers are reliable appliances that keep your smile straight and beautiful for a lifetime. Now, because your retainer takes such great care of you, it’s important to return the favor and take great care of it! To help… Read more »

The Important Items to Keep in Your Orthodontic Handbag

If you want a successful and trouble-free orthodontic experience, it’s best to keep an orthodontic handbag with you at all times. In that handbag, our team recommends keeping the following items inside: · Orthodontic wax: Orthodontic wax is extremely helpful when your braces are bothering you, so it’s best to keep the wax with you… Read more »

Protect Your Smile Today With Dental Sealants

If you are one who wishes for a way to prevent tooth decay from destroying your back molars, our team at has a solution for you! Dental sealants are thin shells that cover your molars and protect them from the harmful substances that threaten them each day. Who should get sealants? Typically, children are the… Read more »

Pros and Cons With Dental Veneers

Like any decision in life, it’s always best to think of the pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision on what is best for you. Choosing dental veneers is the same way. That is why our team is here to tell you the pros and cons of each, so you can feel… Read more »

Mouthguards for Athletes With Braces

If you’re an athlete who is currently transforming your smile with braces, good for you! We’re happy to see you take steps toward your perfect smile. However, your treatment will only be successful if you avoid injury by protecting your teeth and orthodontic appliance with a mouthguard while you participate in your sporting activity. If… Read more »

Invisalign for an Ideal Smile

The Invisalign has been growing in popularity for adults that wish to correct minor adjustments to give them their ideal smile. The aligners are made from a clear, durable plastic that makes it hard for the casual observer to notice. At the initial appointment, your dentist or orthodontist will usually take a series X-rays. This… Read more »

Finding the Right Type of Braces for your Bite Adjustment Goals

Children and teenagers sometimes need braces for a period of time to help adjust their smile and bite pattern. This is usually related to the alignment of permanent teeth after they emerge, long term cosmetic reasons or other issues related to the growth of their jaw structure. At the same time more and more adults… Read more »